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​Traveling to Balestrand

Balestrand is located by the Esefjord in Sogn og Fjordane. There are many routes and combinations of routes to consider when traveling to Balestrand. This section lists some of the more popular ones, as well as the relevant transportation agencies.

Express boat from Bergen or Sogndal

If you are traveling from Bergen or Sogndal, then there is a direct route available with the express boat. These traveling options are available all year. For more information and tickets, please visit

Traveling by plane

The two closest airports to Balestrand are at Haukåsen, Sogndal (65 km), and Bringeland, Førde (90 km). Tickets are available at You can continue to Balestrand by bus. From Sogndal you can also continue by express boat.

Traveling via the Flåm railway

If you are traveling from Oslo or Bergen, you could take the train to Myrdal on the Bergen Line. From Myrdal, you could connect with the Flåm railway line for a spectacular 45-minute train ride that descends into Flåm valley. This is considered one of the most beautiful railway lines in the world. You can continue to Balestrand with the express boat. Train tickets are available at

Note: The express boat stop at Flåm is usually only in service during the summer. Please visit for express boat timetables.

Traveling by bus

The availability of convenient bus traveling options depends a lot on where you are traveling from, and when. Our advice is to check with companies such as or for each case.


Below you will find a map that will show where our cabins are located.

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